Sunday 15 March 2015

Reduce Your Love Handles, Saddlebags, and Abdomen

This is the latest breakthrough in fat treatment. It's a revolutionary treatment that combines suction and the application of cold to achieve the gradual crystallisation and dissolution of fatty tissue.

Effective results without pain!

It has been scientifically proven that if fatty tissue is subjected to a certain (cold) temperature, the fat cells are permanently destroyed and later expelled by the body's own metabolism.
Crioreductor Dúo is a treatment for love handles, saddlebags, abdomen.... etc in a controlled manner.

Who is this treatment intended for?
It is ideal for people with isolated excess fat in certain areas of the body.
"Love handles" saddlebags, the abdomen and other localized fat deposits areas are cryolipolysis' main goals.

What results can be obtained?
It is possible to reduce between 15% and 40% of the fat layers treated.

The fat destroyed is removed progressively by the body's natural metabolism over the 90 days after completing treatment. Results are visible after the second or third week.

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